Uterus Didelphys – 3rd Trimester.

I am writing this blog at 36 weeks… I can’t explain how happy i feel to have made it this far and in only 3 days I will be officially classed as ‘full term’!

At our first growth scan (28 weeks) my consultant told me I could go into labour at any point. So 8 weeks later, sat at home on maternity leave, it feels extra special that baby has kept put and is still doing well.

A real achievement with Uterus Didelphys. 😊

• 28 week growth scan:

I was so nervous about our first growth scan, I knew that from this stage onwards I was going to be monitored closley along with the baby. But the fear of the unknown was definitely the worst part for me.

We were told at the scan that baby was measuring slightly small – but not too small that it was anything to worry about. This appointment was also the first time we met our Consultant. He was absolutely amazing and still to this day is the only medical professional who has managed to make me feel completely comfortable and at ease about my pregnancy. I felt absolutely relaxed and happy that he would be making big decisions regarding delivery.

He told us that the risks going forward from 28 weeks was mainly a high risk of premature labour, or that I would get to ‘full term’ and baby would be stuck in the breech position, due to not having enough space to move around. But all in all it was a positive appointment and I was booked in for my next scan in 4 weeks time.

Bump at 31 weeks pregnant.

At 31 weeks I attended the assessment centre as after my routine midwife appointment there was some concern as to if my waters were leaking.

Me and the baby were monitored for several hours, and then they performed a test to confirm if my waters were leaking or not. Thankfully the test came back negative!

However, there was a lot of confusion among the Doctors and Midwives regarding my condition – I was even told they had been googling it… not the most reassurring thing! I was then told that the exact details of my condition had not been recorded on my file and that there was contradictory findings from different professionals over the years…

Even though I had the Uterus Didelphys diagnosis, they were unsure if I had just the 1 cervix, or if there was 2 cervixes, or 2 cervixes with a vaginal septum!

In a way, it’s not surprising that there was a lot of confusion from the members of staff – partly because the condition is rare and partly because my actual notes contradicted themselves.

Even though it was a difficult situation to be in, we both didn’t feel comfortable leaving the hospital at this point. Even though we knew my waters hadn’t broken, we didn’t feel 100% happy that there wasn’t anything else that had possibly been missed.

After raising our concerns with one of the lovely Midwives, she arranged for a Consultant to see me before I was allowed to go home.

I was reassured that the discrepancies would be explored and the exact details of my condition confirmed at my following appointment with my Consultant and then a birth plan discussed according to the findings.

Bump at 32 weeks pregnant.

• 32 weeks growth scan:

Everything was good again at our 32 week scan, baby still on the smaller side – but not too small!! We were able to see the baby’s face so clearly at this scan, it was amazing and definitely made everything feel more real.

After being examined by the Consultant he confirmed I have 2 cervixes along with a partial vaginal septum that then leads to 1 vagina. Due to the partial septum, I was strongly advised a c-section birth would be the safest option both for me and the baby.

The risk of a natural delivery with my anomaly is mainly a high risk of baby getting stuck- and if this was to happen then the partial vaginal septum could tear or need to be cut by the Doctors. There would then be a high risk of haemorrhage or high blood loss.

As much as I would have loved to be able to have a natural delivery, I would much rather listen to the experts and I would always have mine and my baby’s health and safety as my main priority over any idea of an ‘ideal birth plan’.

Bump at 35 weeks pregnant.

• 36 weeks growth scan:

Our final scan before our little one makes an appearance!

Baby was facing away from us at this scan and the ultrasound tech was struggling to record all the measurements needed so we didn’t get as much chance to be able to look at the baby this time which was a shame – but baby was measuring absolutely fine again, which is all that matters, still on the smaller side, but still not too small that we need to worry.

Baby is also still breech- but this was as expected.

We saw the Consultant again and he booked us in for the c-section at 39+2 weeks.

It is such a surreal thing having a date that you’re going to have your baby!

But the Consultant also reiterated that I could still go into labour at any time – so if this was to happen I would need to attend hospital straight away and then a c-section would be performed there and then.

So now it is just a waiting game. I am really hoping I can make it to our planned c-section date. But our little one may have other ideas!

But knowing that whatever happens…this time in 3 weeks we will be parents is such a surreal feeling. It’s scary and exciting at the same time!

For anyone at the beginning of their pregnancy with Uterus Didelphys, I hope this has helped reassure you that it is possible to make it to the end and grow a healthy baby.

Although the risks are still there and I know every situation is different – it is possible.

Completely Katie


4 thoughts on “Uterus Didelphys – 3rd Trimester.

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your journey! I wish you the very best of luck with your delivery. My daughter was diagnosed with UD when she was 16 (horrendous periods that were coming every 2-3 weeks). She takes birth control pills and things are much better (1 period monthly). She is 18 now and not nearly ready to be a mom but of course that is my biggest fear for her. I will share your blog with her- it is so encouraging. Good luck and enjoy your sweet baby when it arrives!


    • Thank you for your comment Kelly. So pleased you found my blog. If you or your daughter ever wants to ask anything or just chat please feel free to message me! Glad your daughter has now got her periods under control – I really feel her pain it is horrendous with UD. Thanks again for your lovely comments x


    • I found out at 4 weeks pregnant- my first blog goes through the details! 🙂 My 2nd womb was visible on ultrasound up until my 28 week scan where it was then slightly squashed, then by 32/36 week scans it was completely hidden x


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